Bustle ‘Bout Books: Tips For Beginner Readers (And Others, Too!)

Are you a beginner reader who has just started delving into the magical world of fiction and non-fiction? Are you trying to read more than you are currently able to? Are you finding yourself easily distracted while reading? Well, I have some awesome tips for you!

And, if you’re too busy to read the whole post, I do have a summary at the end of the post for you.

I hope that that these tips prove to be helpful to you!

*I’ve spent time thinking about how I used to deal with everything when I just started reading. Hence, all of the tips and opinions are my own.

Tip 1: Choose your first books wisely.

To have an ever-lasting love for reading, I think it is important to choose the first books wisely. If you just start reading any book that’s laying around then, there might be chances of you getting easily bored with it as it could not provide you the pleasure you expected even if you did not have any clue about the story. This might hamper the reading experience and you might not want to read in the future. And so, I would advise you to read a few spoiler-free reviews of books and then jot down the ones that interest you the most.

To make it easier, here are some genre-wise interesting books (well, I found them highly interesting) that I would recommend you to read if you want some awesome and mind-blowing first reads:

  • Classics- Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen. Check out my spoiler-free review for the book here.
  • Mystery and thriller- Inferno by Dan Brown
  • Young-adult- The Hunger Games Series (if you would like to start with a trilogy.)
  • Motivational- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Check out my spoiler-free review for the book here.

Personal fact: I was around 6 or 7 maybe when I actually started loving reading. My first book was Charlie And The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl!

Tip 2: Read in every free minutes you get.

You might not be free the whole day but, I am sure you do have me-time hour(s) in the day (if you don’t, then you should!). I would suggest you to spend your me-time hours reading! You can also devote the minutes while you’re travelling in a bus, in a train or in a flight to reading. Waiting for somebody at the station/ stop? Start reading! Adopting these ways, you can be assured that you aren’t going to spend any day without reading! This also brings us to the next tip!

Tip 3: Always keep a book handy with you.

This is one of the major ways to increase the number of books you read (say, in a month). When you have a book handy with you wherever you go, you will automatically tend to read it whenever you are free. I always take my books with me (Well, I take more than I know I would read) wherever I go. A book is something you’ll always find in my bag!

Tip 4: Listen to audiobooks

Audiobooks are a great way to speed up your reading. Yes, audiobook listening IS reading because you aren’t skipping any pages neither are you the watching the summarized movie. You’ll find tons of audiobooks available on the internet, some are free while some have a cost.

There are many advantages of listening to audiobooks:

  • You can read multiple books at a time!
  • If you don’t find reading and flipping the pages of a book interesting then you may switch to listening to it’s audiobook which will surely, make it a more interesting experience for you!
  • If you aren’t able to read while travelling, you can just listen to the audiobook.

Links to some of the sites that offer free audiobooks:

Tip 5: Remember that you always have an option.

  • You don’t really have to drag yourself through a book that you aren’t enjoying much. There’s nothing wrong in stop reading the particular book! Save time by picking up some other book!
  • Also, it might be possible that the very famous books don’t interest you much so yes, you don’t need to force yourself to read the book everyone likes!

Tip 6: Take breaks if you’re getting distracted.

You might find yourself being distracted while reading and that is the time you need to take a break. If you are not able to then you don’t have to keep reading the books for hours! Go out, feel fresh and then pick up the book!

Tip 7: Stop Comparing.

My last advice to you is that you stop comparing your reading speed or the exposure you have in the field of reading to those of the others. You might have family members or friends who are able to finish more than 10 books a month but, that doesn’t mean that you have to master that reading speed, too. Remember, reading is for fun and for gaining knowledge, not for proving oneself better at it! It takes time and that’s okay!


  1. Choose your first books wisely. (Recommendations included in description of tip.)
  2. Read in every free minutes you get.
  3. Always keep a book handy with you.
  4. Listen to audiobooks. (Links included in the description of tip.)
  5. Remember that you always have an option.
  6. Take breaks if you’re getting distracted.
  7. Stop comparing your reading speed and the exposure you have in the field of reading with those of the others.

If you would like to, feel free to reblog and share this post of mine with your readers so that they also can hopefully benefit from this post!

I hope you found this post useful!

Did you notice the books in the picture? I think that’s what books do. They build a staircase and a way for you to reach the success and happy point!

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Check out my previous post here.

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With love,


Published by: Meher Gandhi

Hello to all the readers and writers out here! I am Meher Gandhi. I am a dreamer and a wanderer, dreaming of a world made of words and wandering in a land of my own scribblings. I am constantly scribbling my reveries and all the secrets I unearth while living, sometimes it’s on paper, most of the times, it’s mental notes. WordPress is a great platform to showcase the art of writing be it on the spot or else. I am loving this work of writing blogs, reading your blogs, commenting on them, receiving the likes, comments and valuable suggestions. It is all so fun! I am a teenager who loves to read and write. I am a positive person and so are my scribblings. If you want to connect with me then, head over to the contact page in the “my pages” section! Would you like to join me in for a walk in my land of scribblings? With love, Meher.

Categories blogger, book blogger, bookaholic, Books, HappyTags, , , 20 Comments

20 thoughts on “Bustle ‘Bout Books: Tips For Beginner Readers (And Others, Too!)”

  1. This is great Meher!
    I used to read a lot of books about 3 years ago and then I had to stop because I had to concentrate on my studies and I wouldn’t leave a book until I finished it. I haven’t read anything that wasn’t study material since 3 years. 😦
    Any advice on which books I can start with again? I generally love fiction and fast paced novels.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I see! Well, it’s great that you’ve decided to start reading again!
      Did you find any of my recommendations that I have mentioned in Tip 1 fascinating?
      You like fiction and fast paced novels so I think your preferred genre would be Young-adult. Have you ever read any young-adult books? I would recommend you to read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or you could even go for A Million Junes by Emily Henry.
      I do read YA books but, it isn’t really my favourite genre and so, I haven’t tried much of it, yet. But, let me know if you would like to know more from YA or some other genres!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A very useful post dear! I completed Alchemist! The twist at the end, omg! I was so sad when that book ended! It filled me with positive vibes❤❤
    Adter my exams I am gonna start reading Dan Brown, right from Da Vinci to Origin!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great tips!! What’s weird is I found this exact image online and was planning to do a post with it….so funny you found the same one! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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