3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge! Day 3.


1. Thank the person(s) who nominated you.

2. Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).

3. Nominate three bloggers each day.

DAY 3:

Dedicated to all who understand what writing truly means for a writer!

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.

~ Ernest Hemingway

This quote is certainly one of my favourite quotes of all times. It holds such a deep and consequential meaning. It’s also ironical in the way it says ‘there is nothing to writing’ yet, it’s the very life-saving activity which requires one to ‘bleed’ with emotions. This quote perfectly defines writing as an art. Writing is an art which requires the writer to completely and voluntarily get into the flow of it. That’s the best thing about it. Isn’t it?

Do you like this quote? Let me know!


Today, I’m keeping the nominations open for all! If you want to take part in this challenge, go ahead! You’re nominated by me!

Check out day 1 and day 2 for two more quotes!

Found this post nice? Then, like, comment, and share!

Check our my previous post here.

Connect with me on Twitter! (@meher_gandhi)

With love,


*Image courtesy: Google search

Published by: Meher Gandhi

Hello to all the readers and writers out here! I am Meher Gandhi. I am a dreamer and a wanderer, dreaming of a world made of words and wandering in a land of my own scribblings. I am constantly scribbling my reveries and all the secrets I unearth while living, sometimes it’s on paper, most of the times, it’s mental notes. WordPress is a great platform to showcase the art of writing be it on the spot or else. I am loving this work of writing blogs, reading your blogs, commenting on them, receiving the likes, comments and valuable suggestions. It is all so fun! I am a teenager who loves to read and write. I am a positive person and so are my scribblings. If you want to connect with me then, head over to the contact page in the “my pages” section! Would you like to join me in for a walk in my land of scribblings? With love, Meher.

Categories bloggers, challenge, Happy, quote, quotes, thankful, writerTags, , , , , , , 9 Comments

9 thoughts on “3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge! Day 3.”

  1. Arghhh I love this quote so much!
    It defines the art of writing so beautifully. We do indeed bleed the words on our minds which taint the barren sheet of paper to form something so powerful and helpful .
    Great choice Meher! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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