The Mystery Blogger Award #2!

This is my second Mystery Blogger Award! Woohoo! Thanks so much to Sann for nominating me for ‘The Mystery Blogger Award’! You should check out her blog because she is an amazing blogger! Her blog is surely worth the follow.


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  6. Answer the questions you were asked.
  7. You have to nominate 10-20 people.
  8. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  9. Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, with one weird or funny question.


This wonderful award was created by Okoto Enigma!


  • I read a lot. I so want to visit the top 10 libraries!!! Have you guys been to any of those? Let me know in the comments section below! And, are you planning to visit one in the near future? If yes then, PLEASE take me along!!!
  • I believe we all need to be kind to one another. Sometimes, it makes me immensely sad to know that many people would rather be cruel than being nice and compassionate.
  • I believe in karma. What goes around, comes around. You reap what you sow.


1. What do you like about my blog?

To be honest, I like a lot of things about your blog. I like your style of writing, your poems, and oh yes, I like how your blog looks!

2. If you were given a chance of visiting someone in the past who would it be?

There are so many people from the past whom I would like to meet! I would surely visit Jane Austen. I would tell her that her wonderful novels might not be famous in that era but, are going to be BIGGEST hits of all times in the future.

3. Who is the most mysterious person according to you? (Fictional will do too!)

There are many such fictional characters but, I am not able to recall them right now. I guess one of those characters is Saul Angert- a character from the book I recently read- ‘A Million Junes’ by Emily Henry. He seems to be quite mysterious, especially in the beginning.

4. Describe the world. Through your heart.

A mystical and absolutely undescribably amazing place.

5. Favourite internet acronym. And why you like it!

ELI5 is one internet acronym that I find to be quite different from the others (not that I know many of them)! ELI5 stands for ‘Explain like I’m 5’. I think it’s quite weird like it seems to be some code word or something.

Sann, I enjoyed answering these questions so much!


For this award, I would like to nominate my new friends!


Q1. Is there anything you would like to change about your blog?

Q2. What is your favourite genre to read?

Q3. Do you have a favourite word? If yes then, what is it?

Q4. According to you, is pineapple on pizza even justified? Why or why not?

Q5. If given a chance, would you rather fly with the birds or would you swim with the fishes?

That’s all for this award! Once again, huge thanks to Sann!

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Check out my previous post here.

Connect with me on Twitter! (@meher_gandhi)

With love,


Published by: Meher Gandhi

Hello to all the readers and writers out here! I am Meher Gandhi. I am a dreamer and a wanderer, dreaming of a world made of words and wandering in a land of my own scribblings. I am constantly scribbling my reveries and all the secrets I unearth while living, sometimes it’s on paper, most of the times, it’s mental notes. WordPress is a great platform to showcase the art of writing be it on the spot or else. I am loving this work of writing blogs, reading your blogs, commenting on them, receiving the likes, comments and valuable suggestions. It is all so fun! I am a teenager who loves to read and write. I am a positive person and so are my scribblings. If you want to connect with me then, head over to the contact page in the “my pages” section! Would you like to join me in for a walk in my land of scribblings? With love, Meher.

Categories award, blogger, grateful, HappyTags, , , 27 Comments

27 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award #2!”

  1. EEEK!! Thank you so much for including us! We also believe in Karma, putting good energy into the world is very important and if it doesn’t get back around to you, there is no harm to have it in the world!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Woah! Lovely answers deary!!!! Had a gala time reading them ❤💙 so much love🤗 also thank you for the praise you gave me throughout 😚🙈❤✨

        Liked by 1 person

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